The Challenge: Prepare CHEST to communicate an acquisition of a professional respiratory care organization to its members and the medical community.
The Results: For decades, CHEST, the American College of Chest Physicians, and the National Association for Medical Direction of Respiratory Care (NAMDRC) had shared goals and overlapping membership. Their collaborative relationship prompted the leadership of both organizations to weigh the value of combining forces and resources. After months of careful consideration, CHEST and NAMDRC decided to integrate their organizations into one unified association.
Our team started by establishing a new message platform for the soon-to-be unified organization in preparation for the announcement. This required a series of stakeholder interviews with both associations' leadership to develop shared communication goals and priorities for the future. Using our new message platform, we supported CHEST in developing a series of board presentations, member letters, emails, and FAQs to assist in announcing the acquisition among members. After disseminating the announcement internally, we provided materials development and media relations support to CHEST as they formally announced the acquisition to the world.